Strengthening seatbelt and Child Restraint System (CRS) Standards through legislation reviews, advocacy and public awareness-raising interventions.
The overall purpose of this project will be to reduce road traffic fatalities and injuries by strengthening seatbelt legislation through advocating for legal reviews, effective enforcement and public awareness for sustained compliance. The scope of work include:
- Rapid assessment to establish evidence-based data regarding current seatbelt and speed management regulations;
- Review of the existing legal frameworks on seat-belt and CRS standards
- One-on-one and Round-table meetings to discuss seat-belt regulation
- Building strong partnerships between MDAs, business community and CSOs to support the campaigns.
Achievements so far
- The seatbelt and CRS were reviewed and approved by the relevant UNBS Technical Committee (TC).
- The technical committee (TC) formed to draft the standard which was based on research, international best practices, and local needs.
- The draft standard has been published for public review and comments where Stakeholders, including manufacturers, regulatory bodies, and consumers, called on to provide comments and feedback.