URRENO validates OHS Workbook
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is an element that is not given as much priority in the workspace as we ought to give it. As part of the working tools for the oncoming trainings in the five National Teachers’ Colleges (NTCs), we had a validation workshop program today at Silver Springs Hotel.
Representatives from some of the National Teacher’s Colleges (NTCs) in Uganda.
The training is supported by ENABEL and is expected to be carried out in Mubende, Kaliro, Kabale, Gulu and Muni once the workbooks are approved to be all inclusive of all the relevant information.
The day’s lead facilitator was quoted saying, “For us to build a culture, we need to have systems that tune our state of mind.” This was backed by Eleanor Everest’s belief that safety is not a gadget but a state of mind.
Mr. Ronald Nanjubu facilitates the session at Silver Springs Hotel in Bugolobi.
Safety and Environmental trainings have an impact on construction and yet are often ignored in the Occupational Health and Safety advocacies. This has been generously covered in this manual.
To ensure that safety is prevailing at a managerial level, ITIS (Information, Training, Instruction, Supervision) techniques should be given a lot of attention.
Group discussions in regards to the training materials from which presentations emerged were held by the representatives of the different NTCs. The identified gaps are the ones that were going to guide the process of editing to make sure that the final product of the workbooks covers all the important elements of Occupational Health and Safety as a whole.
Tags: road safety, Road safety advocacy