Boda Boda Road Safety Awareness Raising Session

Published By URRENO |  May 25, 2022

Uganda Road Accident Reduction Network Organisation (URRENO) has this morning carried out a road safety awareness raising session with bodaboda (motorcycle) cyclists at the Kira Road Police station playground. This is an activity expected to be part of the line up ahead of the silver jubilee celebrations slated for the 27th of May 2022 at Hotel Africana.

Motorcyclists/bodaboda riders in the road safety awareness raising session.

In the session, the day’s facilitator- Ronald Nanjubu reminded the riders of the importance of wearing their helmets the right way with emphasis on looking out for the quality of the helmet before purchase. He further reminded them to be alert and have self-discipline while on the road, most especially at junctions and traffic lights where majority are very reluctant on respecting them.

Ronald Nanjubu addressing the riders during the session.

With evidence from the Uganda Police Annual Crime report, boda bodas have been identified as the biggest victims of road crashes. However, Ronald Nanjubu in his presentation highlighted means of these numbers tremendously reducing, starting with behavioral change among the riders first.

On behalf of Uganda Police, SPC Nyombi re-echoed Ronald’s submission by reminding the bodaboda riders of the importance of personal good behavior on the road to reduce the rampant careless road crashes.

SPC Nyombi from the Kira road police headquarters.

Fred Tumwine Nkuruho concluded the session by appreciating the boda boda industry for the good work relations and cooperation that has seen URRENO successfully live through the past 25 years. He further encouraged the members to keep up the good team work spirit and work relationship that has been exhibited over the years.

Fred Tumwine Nkuruho- Executive Director at URRENO.

Tags: road safetyRoad safety advocacyroadcrashSave livestraffic rulesuganda policeURRENO